Markus Schwiager

I’m climbing for about 25 years now and still this sport hasn’t lost any attraction. I used to live in Zillertal where i also grew up and have alwys been very motivated to develop the climbing there. Together with my Friends Gerhard Hörhager, Wolfgang Rottensteiner, Uwe Eder and some more we put up a lot of new climbing and Bouldering areas all allong the valley. Due tot he perfekt quality of rock in Zillertal that allways has been a really great pleasure! Since more than then years now i life in Ötztal and also there my main interesesed is in finding new Boulders and Routes and I’m really lucky, because within 30 Minutes walk of my house i allready was able to open a lot of them
Times Changing and my main preverence now is my familly - my wive and our two kids, but climbing is something that is really connectind us, even if my two boys sometimes prevere playing football what i can’t understand
Times Changing and my main preverence now is my familly - my wive and our two kids, but climbing is something that is really connectind us, even if my two boys sometimes prevere playing football what i can’t understand